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The Importance of Internet Security

It seems to have become an almost daily news story. Another big hack, a new virus that has infected thousands of users, or somebody’s identity being stolen; all sorts of problems that originate on the internet. At Pinpoint, we want to make sure you can enjoy our ultra-fast internet with minimal problems or interruptions. It’s important to us to help you understand what steps you can take to keep yourself protected.

Be Aware of the Site You Are On

Not every website is a safe site. Try to stick to well known sites as much as possible, the companies often spend large amounts of money securing their websites and have a well defined use for their website. When you are going to a site where you have not been before, you can take their URL and run it through a malware scanner such as Trusted Source, Virus Total, or Trend Micro. The sites check the URL and will let you know of any concerns they have with the site. If you got a site and notice anything that seems to be suspicious or causing your computer issues, leave immediately and run a virus scan. Finally, never enter personal information such as your social security number or credit card information, unless you trust the site and know exactly what it will be used for. Once a hacker has this information it can devastate your credit, finances, and many other aspects of your life.

Avoid the Crazy Ads

Those crazy ads are a lot like a bug zapper, they seem innocent enough, they draw you in and then ZAP! Whether it’s a banner game, a pop up saying you have won a million dollars, or an ad saying that you have to watch this video before it gets banned, they all are traps trying to get you to click on them. Whether they are just scammers trying to get your personal information or malware trying to infect your computer, they are all problems that can be easily avoided. As the old adage goes, if it seems like it’s to good to be true, it probably is.

Protect Your Computer

Malware and Virus protection software is a must. There are several good companies out there that offer this software and offer a wide range of products to proactively protect you from threats. Although many people get this software, they often fail to keep it up to date. Many new Viruses and Malware are invented almost daily, so keeping your software up to date is the only way to keep yourself protected. If you ever notice your computer acting unusual or see suspicious files on your computer, you need to immediately run a virus scan and quarantine the threats. Much like an actual virus, computer viruses and malware can spread throughout your computer slowing it down and making more and more things vulnerable.

Strong Password Policy

It seems crazy the amount of passwords we have to have: one for the bank account, one for every social media account you have, even your emails all have passwords. Since we have so many passwords we often fall into the trap of either making the passwords too simple or use the same password for everything. Passwords are designed to make sure no one else can get into your accounts, if it is too easy/common hackers can try a number of common passwords and get in (if you have any of these passwords you might want to change them). If you use the same password for every site, you also run the risk of opening up everything to attacks if someone figures out your only password. There are products for sale or free, that can store all of your passwords in a secure fashion.

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