Get Social with Pinpoint
We all use social media as a way to extend a part of ourselves. We show pictures, share stories and keep connected to our favorite people or companies and businesses. Get social with us on all of our media outlets like Facebook and Twitter. Don’t forget our LinkedIn account too. There are many ways to keep up to date with our services, promotions and events, even our blog postings like this one. If you are connecting on one social media site you might as well be everywhere right?
Facebook is one of our outlets that we try to reach out to customers, potential customers, and business owners to make sure they are informed about upcoming events and promotions that we are running. We not only have this outlet to brand from but a way to build relationships with our customers. We try to keep our post helpful to all our customers and informative. Come Like, Comment and Share our Powered by Pinpoint Facebook page / Gfiber Facebook page to see what Pinpoint has to offer you!
Why not Re-Tweet and Tweet your hashtag? Our Twitter media account has been a fun attribute to our social media as well. We spread breaking news and live event updates quickly. Although we are limited to only 140 characters, we can link those to our other websites and media sites if needed. You can tweet yourself to following us on our Twitter pages: @PinpointBB and @PNPTHoldings.
Link to our LinkedIn page! What else brings a business together but links? LinkedIn is another social media site Pinpoint uses to communicate with other businesses and share updates throughout the business world. We have a profile set up to keep informed about others in the industries and maintain our business connections. Building relationships with businesses across the world is a great tool and individuals and customers can see the main stream of what Pinpoint is as a company. So come join us in building the link between us on our LinkedIn profile.