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Top 5 Reasons Advanced Broadband Connections Are Important to Your Community

Who needs advanced broadband? It's a question that is coming up a lot these days and its an important question to be asking. Often now we hear that well over 90% of Americans have broadband available to them. Sounds like a great number… until we compare ourselves to the rest of the World. The US currently ranks near the middle of the pack (average about 16th place) in terms of penetration rate, actual and advertised speed, and overall costs (see the data here and here). This data should serve has a hard wake-up call that our current broadband state just won't cut it.

Which brings us back to our question, why advanced broadband? Shouldn't we be more focused on raising our penetration rates of broadband at their existing speed? What uses are there for ultra-fast internet connections? These questions were answered soundly Milo Medin, vice president of access services for Google, when he stated at last FTTH Council's Gigabit Toolkit Conference when he stated "The slowest internet speeds you will tolerate, are most likely the fastest you will get". If communities continue to settle for the slower speeds at a higher price than the rest of the world, we can expect to fall behind in other key areas such as business, education and healthcare.

Here are our top 5 reasons advanced broadband should be the goal for every community.

5. More Responsive and Efficient Governments

Most people have experienced long waits at government agencies, waiting to fill out forms or to pay fines. Imagine having the ability to fill out most forms online at anytime. Elected officials could hold virtual town meetings with constituents, allowing all voices to be heard and represented. Want better transparency? Imagine being able to live stream the city council meetings and then keep video archives on the town's website so citizens can see what has been discussed and become more involved in the issues? State and local governments would have the ability to share data in real time, speeding up processes and helping to reduce costs (something that both sides of the aisle can agree on!) All of the features require a strong broadband infrastructure with high speed, bandwidth and nearly universal access to be effective.

4. It's a Bird, It's a Plane...It's Safety Applications

As nice as it would be to have a superhero in every city, it’s just not realistic (actually it’s impossible). However, Gig enabled networks would be able to empower our local hero's with the next generation applications that can help them save more lives, respond faster, and have greater safety. Diversion Solutions, LLC in Red Cloud, MN, is a perfect example of the development of new public safety applications. The company has developed driving diversion programs, drug diversion programs, sentence monitoring all of which helps to reduce crime and makes use of Red Clouds robust fiber network. At the Community Toolkit Conference, CEO Scott Adkisson, also discussed some new applications they will be rolling out. An application that allows people to send in videos or pictures of crimes from their cell phone directly to headquarters and then back to first respondents in real time and an application that allows them to send maps of buildings and the best possible routes in and out to avoid danger really can take safety to the next level.

3. Grass Roots Business Development

Business Development is more than a "if you build it, they will come scenario”, but there are several examples of ways faster broadband is helping cities grow businesses. One that has gotten a lot of press coverage is the Hacker House and the Kansas City Start Up Village. Entrepreneurs are flocking to KC to get access to the speed and bandwidth at a price that is out of this world. The ability to have unbounded access to the internet is allowing them to grow their companies and develop products and services that had never been possible before. Everything from 3D printing to sports photography can be found here. In case you’re worried that this is only possible because of Google's involvement, cities such as Danville VA, Chattanooga TN, and Lafayette LA have all seen tremendous growth in their business market. High-speed broadband compliments the other pieces of a great community such as great healthcare, low cost of living, and recreation opportunities.

2. Connected Classrooms

Strong education drives a growing society. In age where cuts to education budgets are nearly universal, high-speed broadband can be the answer to keeping our education strong. Students can take virtual field trips to anywhere in the world. Career ideas can be fostered as students are able to experience different jobs such as watching a surgery or exploring the world of an engineer. Students with special needs are also helped by new technologies that can help them read their notes, save lectures for further watching, and gain access to different methods of learning a subject. Many of these applications are hampered by slower internet speeds and broadband bottlenecks, set them free with high-speed broadband.

1. Telemedicine for Tomorrow

A lot of people rave about keeping costs down when it comes to telemedicine, but it goes much further than that, telemedicine can save lives. Records can be shared in real time to help prevent adverse reactions to medicines, mistakes can be reduced through the use of technology like Pyxus Machines, and advanced medical physicians can help diagnose patients in remote locations via high-speed connections. Cleveland OH is using telemedicine to do in-house checkups for diabetes patients. Students from area high schools have built carts that allow them to set up an in-house conference with physicians and pharmacists, allowing them to check vitals and discuss ways to manage the disease.

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